Saturday, February 24, 2018

Leadership Summit

I met with 2 other students for my leadership summit. I found it to be a rather encouraging experience. The people that I met with thought that the activities that I had planned were insightful and helpful for learning strategies on how to better manage one’s money. It was nice to hear that other people thought that they would find my activities helpful if they were participants in my group. I also enjoyed hearing about their activities. I felt that they all had great ideas. This was a good experience for helping me feel more encouraged about leading my group, but as far as the protocol goes, it might have been more helpful to meet with people that were running groups on topics that were more similar to my own.  

1 comment:

  1. Good Share Alexa, I think it is likely that one thing that you learned for sure was that hearing feedback or just checking in with your OT peers, will almost always positively influence your level of confidence, especially if they are supportive or know how to give helpful feedback!


FW1C Debriefing