Saturday, April 22, 2017

Vision 2025

As professionals in healthcare, it is important to have goals that guide us in our career so that we continually have a purpose and meaning behind what we are doing. Since this is an important thing to have as individuals, it makes since that a specific field within healthcare would have goals for the professionals working within it. AOTA has done just this, first with its Centennial Vision and now, with Vision 2025. Vision 2025 builds on the Centennial Vision, but goes beyond it by calling for, “occupational therapy to maximize health, well-being, and quality of life for all people, populations, and communities through effective solutions that facilitate participation in everyday living” (AOTA 2016). This vision calls for holistic and client-centered care for all persons in various populations and communities. It places emphasis on culturally responsive services, services that are collaborative in nature, therapy that is evidence-base and cost-efficient, and leaders that are influential in changing policy. These goals are crucial in proving the distinct value of occupational therapy as a profession and if achieved, have the potential to make a huge difference in the positive impact that occupational therapy can have on the world.

AOTA unveils vision 2025. (2016, June). Retrieved April 22, 2017, from

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